About Us


20% of Lewisham households contain residents for whom English is not a main language, for half of those there are no fluent English speakers.

33% of the population were born abroad, mostly having moved in their 20’s and 30’s to the UK; almost 25% of community is from outside the EU.

Source: 2011 census data

Our history

We started in the late 1990’s as a translation service.

In 2002 we became LMLAS and transitioned to providing an advice service tailored to the needs of the incredibly rich and diverse community of South East London.

Since then we have moved offices throughout the Lewisham borough, currently located alongside other charity organisation such as CAL, AFRIL etc in Lewisham. We also offer outreach services at community centres throughout the borough.

Our vision

We aim to work alongside clients for the full journey through their problem from initial drop-in sessions to specialist advice through every step of their needs until they can reach an outcome that they feel comfortable with.

Who we work alongside:

We work as part of the Advice Lewisham group alongside other free advice services in Lewisham such as:

–  AFRIL where we provide outreach advice sessions to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

– LRMN  which provides specialist and regulated immigration advice to Lewisham residents and neighbouring boroughs.

We are part of Lewisham Local and Lewisham foodbank.

We are a member of Lewisham Equalities Working group which includes:

Afghanistan and Central Asian Association 

Community Connections/Age Uk


Lewisham Disability Coalition

Lewisham Multi-Lingual Advice Service

Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum

Lewisham Refugee and Migrants Network


NCBI London


Stephen Lawrence Trust



        Aqs 12/0490

Limited Company:  4358319                    Registered Charity: 01094541                          FCA Reg: 618920